Word of Wisdom

"When God first made man upon the earth, he was a different being entirely to what he now is; his body was strong, athletic, robust, and healthy; his days were prolonged upon the earth; he lived nearly one thousand years, his mind was vigorous and active, and his intellectual faculties clear and comprehensive, but he has become degenerated. . . . Man is not now that dignified, noble, majestic, honorable and mighty being that he was when he first proceeded from the hands of his Maker. . . . (the Lord) has appointed the word of wisdom as one of the engines to. . . .remove the beastly appetites, the murderous disposition and the vitiated taste of man; to restore his body to health, and vigour, promote peace between him and the brute creation . . . ." (Hyrum Smith, Times and Seasons, 6-1-1842, pp.799-800)


"By a proper observance of the Word of Wisdom, man may hope to regain what he has lost by transgression and live to the age of a tree, that as the sun's rays in springtime gladden all nature and awaken life and hope, the Word of Wisdom given of God may remove the thorns and briers from our pathway and strew the same with joy and peace." (Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith as a Prophet, Scrapbook of Mormon Literature, Vol 1, p.118)


"And surely, blood shall not be shed, only for meat, to save your lives; and the blood of every beast will I require at your hands." (commandment given to Noah for all mankind, Genesis 9:11, Inspired Version)

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